Magic, New Mexico: Tangling With Topper (Kindle Worlds Novella) Read online

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  The witch provoked some very strange feelings in him. Her need of him was nearly palpable. Trusting the instincts the Goddess had given him, he had to pursue his interest.

  “Are you mated?” Stark asked softly.

  Topper froze mid-chant at the question. She looked over her shoulder. “I can’t talk right now. I need to focus on the words.”

  “Sorry. Was your mated status too personal a query?”

  “Yes. Stop asking me,” Topper ordered through gritted teeth. “I’m way too old for this nonsense. Let me finish altering my wards so we can go inside.”

  She turned back to her door. Nearly yelling out the call to action part of the spell, the energy strands woven over her entry unwound like a magic spider web.

  Pushing open the door at last, Topper sighed as she crossed the threshold. Her home was a special place for her. Now aliens had invaded it, but for the moment, not even magic could change that fact.

  “Follow me. The green meanies are out in the sunroom.” She headed that direction, expecting Stark to follow, and he did.

  “You put the dakkari in your home? Amazing. I’m surprised you even still have them. They are very cunning when it comes to escaping all sorts of traps.”

  “Not my traps—they’re magical,” Topper explained. She motioned to a set of plastic cubes lined up on the table. “Their containers allow in light and air, but do not allow them escape. I’ve been feeding them leafy vegetables to keep them alive. They don’t seem to mind. Though I have been concerned about their lack of struggling. Something tells me they’re not normally this calm.”

  Stark was surprised more than he’d expected to be at how well Topper had constrained them. He walked to the small plastic cubes and studied the miniature dakkari inside each. Several were strangely malformed.

  “Did the trip through the portal cause them to shrink and change forms?”

  Topper snorted and shook her head. “They’re under a magical spell and will stay that size until you’re ready to take them back. Any deformities you see are temporary. Not all those who helped me catch them are equally skilled in magic.”

  Stark looked from creature to creature. Outside of a few strange features, they appeared mostly unharmed. He turned back to face the witch responsible for their capture.

  Now he knew why Frost had contacted Glacier for help.

  “Where are the beeberg and her mates?” Stark asked.

  Topper shook her head. “I’m sorry—the what?”

  Stark frowned and thought hard, searching for words in her language. “The beeberg is their female leader. She takes two males as her mates. They never leave her side.”

  Topper sighed in frustration. “Well… damn. So we are missing three of them.”

  “Yes, if they passed through with the rest, and my guess is they did. A dakkari pack travels together, but the beeberg is the decision maker. She’s the one in control.”

  Topper nodded. “Okay. How do we catch her and her mates?”

  “Strategies vary by situation. How long have they been missing?” Stark asked.

  “Not quite a week—uh… almost seven Earth days,” Topper corrected, remembering how Frost had struggled with understanding time.

  Her gaze glided across Stark’s smooth, broad back and down to his trim waist as he turned back to inspect the captured ones again. He was more attractive than any of the other Glacier males she’d seen on Frost’s planet during her visit. She grinned at what she knew was hidden behind his purple cloth and let her gaze wander down the backs of his legs to his feet as he paced in front of the cubes.

  All she knew about Glacierans was what Frost had shared with her, but she didn’t need magic to see Stark was restless. She recognized the signs because she often felt exactly the same. Despite his youthful looking body, an older, more impatient soul was in residence.

  “I’m surprised the beeberg and her mates have not taken hosts yet. You would have known if they had because the host creatures would have been acting strangely by now. And they would have come back for the rest of their pack, even if they are being held captive in your home.”

  Topper sighed deeply. “You’re just the bearer of all kinds of wonderful news, aren’t you? The dakkari are stored here because it’s my spell holding them. How dangerous are the missing three?”

  Stark shook his head. “The hosting situation is invasive. Eventually the beeberg and her mates would shed their dakkari bodies and be absorbed by their hosts. It is an evolution they use to survive the severe ice storms on Glacier. The rest of the explanation is quite gruesome because they bring the host animals back as food to feed the pack, as well as birthing new versions of themselves inside them. The cycle goes on even if the originals die in the process. New leaders are chosen from the pack to replace the ones that don’t survive.”

  Topper nodded, even though she was more worried now than ever. “I’m sure the missing three haven’t left Magic. I cast a net around the town and tuned it to the ones in the cages. If anything remotely like them tried to leave, I would instantly know where. Theo would hunt them down in the desert and fry them.”

  Stark frowned as he repeated her words. “Fry them? As in cook them for food? That would be most unwise.”

  Topper laughed at his dryly offered advice. “Gee Stark, what a great impression you must have about the intelligence of people on my planet.”

  Stark shrugged a shoulder. “I researched your culture before I came here, but perhaps I need clarification of your statement. Feel free to enlighten me.”

  Topper snorted. “Yes, you certainly do need enlightenment, especially about the residents of Magic. Sheriff Theo is a dragon. He would have breathed fire on the fleeing dakkari and reduced them to ashes before they got away.”

  Stark nodded. “Oh. Good then. Destruction is acceptable and preferable in those circumstances. Dakkari are poisonous for Glacierans and should never be consumed as food. I assume the same would be true for Earthlings.”

  A knock on the door sounded. “Speaking of dragons,” Topper declared, walking back to answer it.

  She glanced back to see Stark had followed her to the door. She pulled it open to find Theo standing on her doorstep with several pairs of pants and a few t-shirts in his hands.

  “Something here ought to fit your alien visitor. These clothes belonged to my brother, Kane. He was a lot taller and bigger than me, so they should come close to being the right size. Kane left town a long time ago. I’ve been keeping these in case he came back, but honestly, I don’t think he ever will.”

  Topper took the clothes from Theo’s hands and stepped into him for a hug. “Thank you. This is very helpful.”

  Theo returned the hug and smiled. “Sure. You doing okay?”

  “Perfectly fine,” Topper lied. She didn’t want anyone worrying yet. “Stark and I are talking about capturing the green meanies—I mean, the dakkari—that’s what he calls them. He confirmed we are missing a female leader with two male mates. Stark said they were going to be actively looking for hosts and may have found some by now. Spread the word around for everyone to check their animals. If any start acting strangely, they need to let me know. Tell them not to take any action outside of restraining them.”

  “Sure thing, Topper. I’ll check on you later and give you an update if anyone calls in to the office.”

  Theo sent a warning glare in the alien’s direction before he left.

  Topper rolled her eyes at well-meaning males and turned back to Stark who was studying her again. “Why are you looking at me so strangely?”

  “Is the dragon your mate?” Stark asked.

  Topper snorted at the question. Theo was young enough to be her son. Stark was the most clueless male she’d ever met on either of their planets. “No, Stark. The dragon is Theo. He’s our sheriff and the person in charge of security here in Magic. He sees every stranger as a threat.”

  Stark shook his head. “No, I must disagree. That is not what is going on here. I distinctively fe
el his concern is directed towards my continued presence near you. He is being a protective male.”

  Topper threw up her hands. “Of course he is. Theo is like my son. I have no mate—alright? Topper has no mate. In fact, Topper is an old lady who has never had a mate. Why don’t you take an ad out with some intergalactic news service and tell both our worlds? I’m sure everyone would like to know how someone my age could live all this time on Earth without a man.”

  Stark nodded in approval. “Ah… now I understand. You have no male at all in your life, so the young dragon has placed you under his protection.”

  Topper rolled her eyes. “More like the other way around… but whatever. I stopped trying to explain my power to men like you long ago. It’s not worth the trouble trying to squeeze reality into your narrow minds.”

  Despite the rising anger in her tone, Stark was surprised at the joy Topper’s irritated declaration about being unmated brought his body. As a Star Ranger, he had visited many planets. Hope was a universal among all life forms, and Goddess knew, he had never stopped appreciating it in his too often austere life.

  But to feel hope now about this beautiful Earth woman—this allegedly powerful witch—to anticipate that she might share herself with him? Lust was not something he’d expected to feel for anyone when he agreed to this assignment.

  Plus, it was fascinating to find he was capable of being unsure. Despite his long history of dealing with females, he was fairly clueless about how to deal with this fascinating one.

  Stark cautiously approached the obviously offended female, trying to gauge the best way to put Topper at ease again. He pointed to the clothes she still held.

  “I assume you wish me to cover myself with those articles of clothing.”

  Topper nodded and held them out. “Yes. Naked male aliens, no matter how well hung their package, are just too distracting for most Earth females.”

  “Hung?” Stark repeated the word and chuckled at the term. Hung. Goddess, he liked that word being applied to him.

  Topper’s gaze dropping constantly to his barely covered mating organs clued him in to her meaning. Polar would be proud of him. Even without Frost’s help, he was beginning to figure things out.

  “Very well, Most Powerful Witch Topper. Since the dragon is not your mate, I will wear his clothes. In exchange for my compliance with your prudish customs, will you please give some consideration to having intimate relations with me before my return to Glacier?”

  “Having… what?” Topper drew herself up straight. “Are you asking me for sex?”

  “Yes. I am sure Frost would be willing to provide a reference. On my planet, females stand in line for the opportunity because I am very skilled at pleasuring them. I’m sure I can become just as proficient with your Earth anatomy if given the opportunity to practice with it a few times.”

  “No thanks. I do not need or want an alien pity fuck,” Topper exclaimed, shoving the clothes into his arms. “Now get dressed. We’re going on a dakkari hunt as soon as you put on some freaking clothes.”

  Stark frowned. “I sense extreme discord between us again, Topper. What did I say to make you angry? I find you physically appealing and you arouse my body every time I glance your way. I wish to pleasure you at the first available opportunity. Are such things not complimentary to females on your world?”

  “No,” Topper yelled loudly over her shoulder as she left. “It is not complimentary to offer your sex services to me as if I couldn’t find a man on my own if I wanted one… which I damn well don’t or there would be one here. I may be almost sixty, but that’s pretty young for a witch. And I stay in freaking shape so there… asshole.”

  Stark stared at Topper’s extreme agitation in confusion. He had no idea what he’d said that was so wrong. “I apologize for offending you. Was it the offer itself? Or the fact that I asked first? If you wish, you can ask me instead. I did not mean to disrupt your intimacy protocol. I thought females on Earth like to be pursued.”

  Topper snorted. “Get over yourself, Mr. Arrogant. The answer is no in either case. Come find me when you get some damn clothes on.”

  Stark set the clothing on a nearby surface as Topper stomped away from him. While he dressed, he pondered what grave Earth error he’d committed in asking to be with her.


  When Stark finally came to find her, Topper nearly sighed because he was dressed in jeans and a green shirt that seemed to have turned his eyes the same shade. She missed the swirling silver in his gaze, but maybe it was like when she changed her hair color. Or maybe Stark was an alien chameleon, his eyes taking on whatever colors surrounded him.

  Stark looked even younger dressed in casual clothes—with the exception of his silver hair that gleamed in any light. His body looked to be around thirty-five in Earth years. Topper knew she was well-preserved for a witch nearing sixty, and she had a young soul, but most days she looked like the mature woman she was. Like older, but still handsome Earth men, Stark’s extreme attractiveness only served to remind her of her own waning beauty.

  Ordering herself to stop focusing on unchangeable things, Topper opted to save her magic and silently led their trek back to the center of town from her house. They stopped by the Sheriff’s office where Theo handed Stark a pair of oversized sneakers and an unopened package of clean socks he’d probably just purchased.

  While Stark sat in a chair to put on the shoes, Topper wrestled her attention back to their task and Theo. “Anyone report anything unusual?”

  Theo shook his head and then his gaze went to the alien who was investigating the fabric of the socks before tugging a pair on. He wanted to roll his eyes and laugh as the man considered adding the second pair, but Topper’s distress made it hard to stay amused for long.

  Theo scratched his nose. In dragon form, he had a horn trying to grow there. He sure hoped that wasn’t going to manifest into something ugly on his human face. “You know that new couple that moved in last month?”

  Topper scrunched up her face as she tried to think. “Both are shifters of some sort, right? Nonny did the welcoming. I was out of town.”

  “They’re cats—solid black jaguars to be precise. I have no idea what jaguars are doing in the New Mexico desert, but they own a couple of big red mastiffs that went missing two days ago.”

  Topper rolled her eyes. “You’re telling me jungle cats are keeping a pair of dogs as pets? Are they being ironic or cruel?”

  “They treat the dogs like family from what I could tell and now they’re worried something has happened to them. And you know cats keeping dogs is not the strangest thing we’ve ever seen around here.”

  “No,” Topper admitted. Her gaze shifted between Theo and Stark hoping she wouldn’t have to intervene.

  Theo rolled his eyes in disgust. “Dude—Stark—one pair of socks is all you need. Save the second pair for tomorrow if you’re still here.”

  At Stark’s quick nod and muttered thank you, Theo turned back to Topper. One moment he saw genuine concern reflected in her gaze. The next, he saw disbelief followed quickly by a female interest he had never seen Topper show in any male before.

  If anything was strange—that was strange.

  Theo put his hand on Topper’s shoulder to stop her from staring. “If Stark needs a place to stay, he can use Kane’s old room at the house.”

  Topper shook her head. “Normally, I’d send him to Lacey’s so he could visit with Frost, but I think the best idea is for him to stay with me. If Stark is right about the missing dakkari, they’ll be showing up there soon to rescue the others. I’d just as soon have an expert on hand if that happens. I’m not doubting my magic, just trying to spare myself from over-using it. I’d rather not destroy the animals if I don’t have to do so.”

  “Are you going to be safe with him?” Theo demanded.

  “Sheriff—the person you are worried about is present and understanding every word you say about him.” Stark stood and walked to stand at Topper’s side. The
strange foot coverings were more comfortable than he’d imagined they would be. He stared into the dragon’s eyes as he spoke. “Topper will always be safe with me—always.”

  Theo huffed. “I don’t doubt you can protect her from the green meanies, but who’s going to protect her from you?”

  Stark turned to Topper. “I was unaware such a dilemma existed. Do you need to be protected from me?”

  Topper crossed her arms and glared at both males equally. “No, I do not. You can sleep in the guest room which is closest to the sun porch. That way you can keep an eye on the dakkari yourself.”

  Stark bowed his head in agreement. “A wise course of action,” he said in approval. “I accept your wisdom in the matter.”

  Topper looked away from Stark to fully glare at Theo. “Stop trying to slow this down. Thanks for the tip about the dogs. We’ll check those out first. The cat shifters moved into the old Jackson house, right?”

  As he nodded, Theo rolled his eyes and held up both hands. “I’m sorry to be so blunt, but I don’t trust him, Topper. I’ve seen the way he looks at you. Do you trust him?”

  Topper looked back at Stark with his silver hair, his smooth pale skin, and one eyebrow arched high at the surprising question. But now she knew the arrogant alien wasn’t nearly as clueless as he looked.

  “Stark has given me no reason not to trust him, Theo. His naked arrival is nothing to judge his character by, now is it? Female witches dance in the buff every time their Sabbath rolls around. I don’t see anyone in town judging them for their two days of nudity. And half the town saw Frost naked when Lacey’s spell broke. I think he was in your jail at the time and you threatened to sell tickets because everyone wanted to get a look at his alien assets.”

  “Both of those are completely different circumstances from this,” Theo insisted.

  Topper glanced sideways and waited until Theo met her gaze so he’d understand how serious she was. “Not really. But all that’s critical is that my priorities are clear. I want my house back, my peace back, and to maybe go Colorado River rafting this weekend. Possessed animals could screw that up royally, so Stark stays with me until this is all over.”


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