Nothing Remotely Familiar (My Crazy Alien Romance Book 5) Read online

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  Topper’s head turned. “Jessica? Why didn’t you go back to Earth with your father?” She held out her hand to her worried daughter.

  Jessica took her mother’s hand in hers and curled their fingers together. The tremors that shook her mother scared her. Nothing—absolutely nothing—ever bothered her mother. “Dad asked me to stay and watch over things here. Are you all right?”

  Topper fought the next pang off enough to smile at her daughter. “It hurts a little, but I will be fine. I did this before and I got you. It’s all good. Trust me?”

  Jessica nodded.

  The door signal sang out through the house and startled all three women.

  “I’ll get it,” Jessica said, seeing a brief escape.

  “No,” Nia said firmly. “You stay with your mother. I’ll see who’s at the door.”

  Topper breathed hard as a powerful contraction hit. “It’s not Stark. He’d barge right in and start yelling at me for doing this before he got back.”

  Nia smiled and patted Topper’s leg as she rose. “Resig may have sent another delivery. Who knows? If I see anything I don’t like, I won’t let them in. General Stark has an impressive defense system in place. He showed me how to arm it the first day we were here.”

  “He didn’t show me,” Topper said as Nia walked off. She frowned. “Your father and I need to have a talk. You and Kevin will need to stay in your room until it’s over.”

  Jessica giggled. “Mom, you are a magical defense system all by yourself. Why would you need to know about a man-made one?”

  “Sometimes you need to conserve your magic for the biggest part of the fight,” Topper said. “It’s why we try to talk the men in black into leaving before we bother to shrink them and wipe their minds. If they leave on their own without us using enchantment, it’s still a win.”

  Jessica nodded as she looked in the direction Nia had gone. She winced when her mother suddenly squeezed her hand super hard. “Ow… Are you getting to the pain part of the birthing process?”

  As the contraction eased off, her inner alarms sounded. Topper squeezed her daughter’s hand. “Listen to me, Jessica. I want you to go to your room. Go now. Lock the door and don’t let anyone in until it's your father. The person trying to get in here has ill intentions. I don’t know who they are, but trouble is at the door.”

  “Okay, if you say so, but… Mom?”

  “Jessica, please—I have enough to worry about. Don’t make me worry about you as well.”

  Biting back the urge to argue, which was very, very strong, Jessica bent and kissed her mother’s forehead. “One thing before I go.” She put her hand on her mother’s swollen tummy and closed her eyes.

  “Jessica! What in seven hells are you doing?” Topper hissed.

  Jessica opened her eyes and stared at her mother hard. “I was warning my brother about the danger. I told him to stay put until we get it figured out.”

  Topper grunted. Kids were unbelievable sometimes. “Fine. Now go.”

  Jessica patted her mother’s cheek, turned, and sprinted away.

  Chapter Seven

  Nia looked through the view port in the door. The male’s face was covered. She pressed the communicator to send her words outside. “Show your face,” she commanded.

  “Seren here. I bring a message to General Stark.” After announcing himself, he flipped off his face covering. Once she got a good look, he restored it again.

  Nia recognized the young recruit from brief exchanges she’d had with him, but then she would recognize nearly all of Resig’s warriors. She and Seren were about the same age. The only reason she knew this was because Resig kept pointing out all the male warriors her age.

  The memory made her frown at Seren, and the male backed up in surprise. It took a moment to clear her expression and force out a polite response. It wasn’t Seren’s fault that Resig was an idiot about her.

  “General Stark has stepped out, Seren. Please confine yourself to your vehicle until he returns. You may tap in to the residence’s energy stores to keep it comfortable. Security protocol prevents me from allowing you entry to the home without him here.”

  “My message is of utmost urgency, Nia. Perhaps I can deliver it to his mate. I will leave as soon as it is done. The ice fields are no place I want to be for long.”

  Nia contemplated her choices. She was right to make him stay out, but what if the message was something concerning Director Polar? What if Resig sent Seren here with the message to taunt her? After Resig ran away from her confession about resigning the other morning, she doubted he would ever come again in person.

  She sighed over her own stupidity. She should have just said nothing to Resig. But she was cooking, and he was there, and it was just so much like the time they’d spent together.

  She’d left in shame then. Her confession to Resig had at least restored her pride.

  She’d deal with Seren and send the warrior on his way. That was the only reasonable answer. It would shock Resig even more to find she’d broken protocol. Nia undid the locks and swung the door open. “You must keep this brief. Stark’s mate is not feeling well.”

  “I will be as brief as possible,” Seren said.

  Nia took his coat and hung it on a hook near the door. Seren removed his foot coverings and followed behind her.

  When they got back to the living room, a pale Topper was sitting up and looking serene. Nia lifted an eyebrow in surprise, but turned and held a hand out to introduce Seren. All words failed her when she saw the fully armed laser weapon in his hand.


  “Have a seat, Nia,” Seren ordered.

  “What are doing? I don’t understand,” Nia said.

  “I am finishing the task General Arctic failed to complete. Only I intend to wipe all of Stark’s family from the face of any planet.”

  Topper huffed. “You might try.”

  “Where’s the girl? Call her out here.”

  “No,” Topper said. “And if you try anything with my child, you will be very, very sorry. My child has a protector that will not hesitate to take your life.”

  Seren waved his weapon as he looked at Nia. “This female. She is no warrior. She is Resig’s consort—was his consort. Resig discarded her the way Stark discarded all females before you. Nia broke protocol to let me inside. She is weak.” He aimed the weapon at Nia. “Call the girl or Nia dies first. I will turn her into a pile of ash where she sits.”

  “Kevin,” Topper yelled loudly, glaring at the Glacieran. “There’s someone out here you need to meet.”

  “Coming,” they heard Jessica yell back.

  “You are wise for an Earth woman of your youthfulness,” Seren said as he stared at Topper. “I can see why Stark was taken in with your exceptional beauty.” His gaze shifted to Nia. “All men have weaknesses. Attractive females learn early how to exploit them.”

  “Have you talked to your Goddess lately?” Topper asked.

  “I have no time for the most manipulative female of all,” Seren said coldly. “General Arctic was right. Only a weak man relies on a female for his strength.”

  Nia turned a surprised expression toward Stark’s mate. “Why is what Seren thinks about the goddess important?”

  Topper glanced at Nia and then turned back to Seren. “Because a person never knows when their last day alive will be. I commune with my goddess every day. In fact, I talk to your goddess frequently. Enemies are nothing new to me, and Seren is not the first Glacieran who’s tried to kill my mate.”

  “No, but I will be the last,” Seren vowed. “This is taking too long. Call Kevin again.”

  “I don’t have to. He’s already here,” Topper said.

  “He? You have a daughter. What trick is this?”

  “I’m not sure what you call it on Glacier, but on Earth we call it ‘creating a distraction’ until the hero arrives.”

  Seren looked to each side. “I see no hero.”

  “Look down a
nd to your left,” Topper ordered, pointing to the floor.

  Kevin dipped his head. “G’day, mate. Ever seen a genuine Australian Drop Bear?” he asked. He did a flip and roll and landed on his haunches again. “Ta-freaking-da. Got anything on your ice planet that can do that? I bet you don’t.”

  Seren laughed and swung the weapon in the creature’s direction. “You’re amusing, but I have no time for you.”

  “Right. Let’s get to it then,” Kevin said, seizing as his fur and talons grew.

  Seren screamed when Kevin sprung at him, and the weapon discharged briefly to hit a wall. Kevin’s fangs sank into Seren’s neck and ripped to the side before sinking back in again.

  Nia sprang from her seat. “The creature won’t be able to kill him. They breed Glacieran warriors to withstand such attacks.” She jumped into the fight and pulled the laser weapon from Seren’s hand. “Move, Kevin.”

  Even though obeying was hard, Kevin withdrew his fangs and sprang away.

  Seren clutched at his throat but still swung out a fist that connected with Nia’s face. Her head snapped back, and to the side, but she still squeezed the trigger. Seren’s dying scream faded off as the male became a pile of dust at Nia’s feet. She rubbed her jaw. “I’ll clean up his ashes later.”

  Topper laughed. “Damn, Nia…” she said, rubbing her middle as a severe contraction hit. “Are you okay?”

  Nia nodded as she rubbed her jaw again. “Yes. I’m tougher than I look.”

  “Wow,” Jessica said, bending over to inspect the pile of dust. “I can see why Dad likes laser weapons. They’re efficient.”

  “Efficient? What kind of thing is that to say? What are you doing, Jessica? Do not step in the bad guy’s ashes,” Topper ordered through gritted teeth. “We don’t want to track him through the house.”

  Kevin turned to Jessica and lifted one arm. He was mostly back to normal. Glacieran blood tasted pretty good. He wished he’d had a few minutes more.

  Jessica pulled Kevin up and kissed his hairy cheek. “Dude, you saved everyone. You are so much better than a cat.”

  He snickered and hid his face in her neck. “Geez, now I’m all embarrassed.”

  Jessica giggled and hugged him tight. She finally looked at Nia. “Dad said he would teach me to fire a laser weapon. I didn’t think I’d want to do that, but now I can’t wait. I’m officially ready to be a warrior.”

  “Taking a life is difficult,” Nia said sadly as she pointed at Seren’s remains. “I knew that male. I worked alongside him. I’m sure I will see his face in my dreams for a long while.” She turned to Topper. “Seren was right, you know. I broke protocol. I’m the reason you were in danger.”

  “You trusted someone who’s been fooling many people, including Resig. I’m sure he’s not the only secret fan of General Arctic’s left. Luckily, they’re woman haters and always underestimate us.” Topper shifted until she could fall back on the couch. She groaned at another strong contraction. “You’re right. My son wants out of me.”

  Nia nodded. “I will prepare some linens and boil some water.”

  “Nia,” Topper called as she started to leave. “If he’d stayed outside, Seren might have surprised Stark who was his actual target. I might have lost Stark, Rime, and my sister. Things have a way of working out the way they’re meant to work out. We had a Drop Bear, a smart child, a warrior female, and an old witch who’s seen a lot of battles.”

  Nia bowed her head. “No female before you was worthy of General Stark. I can see why you have his complete devotion.”

  Topper chuckled through the pain. “My mate did this to me. Stark’s not high on my good list right now.”

  Nia grinned. “Then why did you want to save his life?”

  Topper groaned and panted through the next contraction. “Same reason you would have wanted to save Resig’s. We’re stupid women who think we need the man we’re in love with.”

  “Is this the pain part?” Jessica asked. “You’re getting really grumpy.”

  Topper nodded. “Yes, honey. This is the pain part. You better go to your room. There will be yelling, screaming, and a bunch of swearing before your brother puts in an appearance. Ignore what you hear if you can.”

  “Mom? Am I going to have to do this one day? I really, really don’t think I want to.”

  Topper chuckled. “It’s hurts to laugh. Don’t make me laugh. You don’t have to think about babies for a long time.”

  Jessica nodded. “Okay. Can it be when I’m eighty-seven like Nia?”

  Topper panted as she chuckled in pain. “Nia’s eighty-seven?”

  “That’s what she told me.”

  Topper grunted. “Resig is an idiot. Your father needs to have a talk with that man.”

  “Or you could just let him inside the house and tell him yourself,” Kevin said, lifting his head from Jessica’s shoulder as the door signaled another visitor.

  “Can I get it this time? Kevin can do his fang thing if it’s someone else,” Jessica added.

  Topper nodded. “Trust Kevin. He’s a good koala. Don’t let anyone in but Resig.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Jessica said.

  “Geez, people… I’m blushing again,” Kevin grumbled.

  Jessica wasn’t tall enough for the view port, so she made Kevin climb up on her shoulders.

  “It’s General Resig,” Kevin announced. The man seemed startled to see him in the view port, but Resig had the presence of mind to remove his face covering and wave.

  Jessica put her hand over the entry and the door opened. Kevin relaxed and fell to wrap himself around her again.

  “Come in, General Resig. Mom’s having a baby and Nia’s preparing. I’m going to go hide in my room until it’s over because Mom complains loudly about the pain. Oh… and don’t step on the pile of black dust in the living room. It’s what left of the bad guy Nia shot with a laser weapon. By the way, I think Mom’s going to tell you that you’re being an idiot about Nia. Your girlfriend is older than she is.”

  Resig blinked. “Nia shot someone?”

  Jessica laughed. “Yes. And Mom’s having a baby. Want me to repeat the rest? I know I said it all kind of fast.”

  “Unnecessary. Where’s your father?” Resig asked.

  “Earth. Dad’s probably still trying to talk my Aunt Nonny into coming back with him because she hates to leave home for anything. If he doesn’t come back soon, he will miss being here when my bro-bro arrives, but I guess it can’t be helped.”

  “Goddess, I nearly missed everything,” Resig said.

  Jessica tried not to blurt out what she knew, but it came out of her mouth anyway. That happened a lot. “At least you haven’t missed your chance with Nia. She still loves you. I heard her telling Mom.”

  Resig hung his head and laughed. “I am indeed an idiot.”

  Jessica looked up at his bowed head and nodded. Resig was almost as tall as her father. “I think it’s because you’re a man. Or at least, that’s what I hear women saying. But apparently, they’re still willing to have your babies. Truly, I don’t understand it.”

  “Your father is right, Jessica. You’re precocious.”

  “Thank you,” Jessica said with a head bow. “Just follow the groaning and swearing. That will lead you to Mom.”

  Resig nodded. “Yes. And you won’t have to worry about any more bad guys showing up. I’m here until your father returns.”

  “Thank you. We can use a few more heroes.”

  “And a few more males,” Kevin added.

  “Your creature speaks?” Resig asked in shock.

  Jessica grinned. “Some witch familiars can talk. Don’t worry. It’s a magical Earth thing. It will not spread to your animals here. Kevin is unique among his kind.”

  Kevin moved her head back and forth with one of his claws. “Stop bragging on me. You will make me blush again. Koalas are not supposed to have red faces. That would be blushing pandas, not koalas.”

  “Pandas don’t blush,” Jessica said.r />
  “Really? Are you a panda expert now?” Kevin asked.

  Jessica sighed. “Excuse me, General Resig. I have go look up koalas and pandas. I don’t think either of them blush, but my familiar will harass me until I find out the truth. He’s a lot of trouble, but mostly worth it.”

  Resig bowed low. “Thank you for letting me into your home, Jessica. I will endeavor to be of service to your family.”

  Jessica giggled as she bowed her head to him. Kevin pretended to fall, then swung himself to her back. When she stood, he slid down her. Jessica laughed as she headed down the hall.

  “I am not a lot of trouble,” Kevin mumbled into the back of her shirt as she laughed.

  Sighing with resignation, Resig turned toward the family area of Stark’s home as he walked to face his destiny.

  Chapter Eight

  The first thing he saw was Nia lifting Topper into her arms. “Here—let me carry her,” he said, rushing to take the groaning woman.

  “Thank the Goddess for you, Resig,” Nia said. “I’ve prepared a bed in one of the guest rooms. It will not survive the birth process, but at least the other furniture won’t be harmed. We can move her to Stark’s room once the birth is over.”

  “Tell me where to go and I will,” Resig said.

  In his arms, Topper laughed. “Did you hear that, Nia? Here’s your chance. Tell Resig where to go. You’ll feel much better afterwards. I tell Stark where to go all the time. You can’t let them get the last word in. They won’t respect you if you do.”

  “Is she experiencing Glacieran euphoria?” Resig asked.

  “No,” Nia replied, unsurprised that Resig knew about childbirth. Generals knew about everything. “Topper passed through that stage hours ago. We’re less than an hour away from the actual delivery. She’s transitioning into the worst of it, which is why her tongue is uncontrollable. The pains come every four minutes now.”

  Resig grumbled in Glacieran as they walked.

  “I don’t know what you said, Resig, but I don’t think I like your tone,” Topper informed him.


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